Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Cemeteries of Johnson County, Texas

Cemeteries of Johnson County
A.R. Rawdah (Muslim)
FM 917 West of Joshua to CR 1017
Alvarado  (Balch)
S. Commings Dr at Atchley in Alvarado
CR 304a off FM 401 Between Grandview and Alvarado
Atchinson (Nemo)
Hwy 67 S. to CR 1119/1234
Baker Lain
CR 1239 off FM 14344 in SW part of County
FM 1807 out of Alvarado to CR 206 south of CR 107
Bethany Rest
Hwy 67 between Alvarado and Cleburne to CR 810 N, south of CR 703
Bethany (Old)
CR 1126 south of Hwy 171 east of Godley
Where CR 204 and FM 2258 cross (Cemetery no longer exists)
Corner of E. Bethesda Rd and US I-35
Boatright §
FM 916 west of CR 409B
CR 401 South of Alvarado to CR 311 1st private road to right
Hwy. 67 S. west of Cleburne to FM 2331
CR 1217 south of Hwy 171
CR 317 south of US 67 in Keene
Memorial Plaza east of US 35 in Burleson
FM 1902 north of CR 910
Corner of CR 604 and FM 917 between I-35 and Lillian
Cahill (Old) §
FM 917 east to High Medows; to Lakeview Ct. (residential) between I35-W and Lillian
Center League
CR 109 west of CR 211 near Venus.
Center Point
See Laramore listed below.
Chambers Memorial
South of Rose Hill Cemetery on Island Grove Road (FM 2135)(African American) in Cleburne.
Chapman §
CR 402 south of CR 311 south of Alvarado
Clark §
Hwy 174 (South Hillsboro) in south Cleburne (in pasture on left)
FM 2738 north of Roberts Rd.
CR 1000 off of Hwy 171 near Cresson
See Sand Flat listed below.
Dendy Evans
adjoining landowner at 5525 CR 305.
Doggett §
Corner of CR 920 and CR 919 near Burleson
CR 206 east of CR 206A near Alvarado
CR 401 north of Grandview
CR 1015 west of Burleson
CR 305A off of Hwy 171 south west of Cleburne
Hwy. 171 south of Cleburne to CR 307 to 422/423 first curve to right (this cemetery no longer exists)
N. Parkway Dr in Alvarado.
Corner of CR 1229 and CR 1230 south of Godley
Hwy. 174 south of Joshua (This cemetery has been destroyed. Three stones were moved to Chambers Memorial on Island Grove Road inb Cleburne.)
FM 4 northwest of Grandview
Grange Hall
SE Corner of CR 1208 and FM 916 west of Reo Vista
Green Acres
Hwy 174 north of Cleburne
South of Rose Hill Cemetery on Island Grove Road (FM 2135) in Cleburne (African-American)
CR 1205 east of Rio Vista
CR 2415 and 401 south of Alvarado (No longer exists)
on Hopewell Rd north of Cleburne
Hughes (Watts) §
CR 406 off FM 4 south of Alvarado
Ingle §
FM 2258 near Intersection of CR 206 south of Alvarado
Island Grove
Between FM 4 and CR 409 NE of Grandview
Jones-Egan §
CR 807 near Egan
Maurice St. in NE Keene
Kemp §
West corner of CR 914 and CR 914A SW of Burleson (Behind a Residence)
Hwy 171 south of Parker
Kyle-Bullard (Ham) Updated
FM 916 southwest of Rio Vista (1st right turn past Fisherman's Paradise)
Lafon §
North corner of CR 1235 and CR 1236 (SW Johnson County
Laramore (Center Point) §
End of CR 312A off FM 2415
Lane Praire
On CR 704 east of Hwy 174 north of Cleburne
Lane Prairie (Old)
On CR 903 (Mt Carmel Rd) west of Hwy 174 north of Cleburne
West Vaughn Road (CR 901) off Hwy 174 North of Cleburne
Lone Cottonwood
On FM 2331 north of FM 4 (Western part of Johnson County)
W. Bethesda Rd. (CR 805) and FM 917 east of Joshua
End of CR 316D off of CR 426 east of Cleburne
FM 916 west of Grandview
West Vaughn Rd off Hwy 174 north of Cleburne
Between Hwy 67 and FM 917 on CR 600 (north of Alvarado)
CR 1234 west of Cleburne State Park
Hwy 67 to Park Road #21, to FM 200, to CR 1118, left on CR 1237 SW part of County
Part of Rose Hill Cemetery in west Cleburne
FM 916 west of CR 409 west of Grandview
on CR 205 south of FM 916 east of Grandview
Old Bethany
CR 1126 south of Hwy 171 east of Godley
Old Hill
FM 2415 at intersection of CR 401C sout of Alvarado (Cemetery no longer exists)
CR 1103-B just off of Hwy 171 in south Johnson County
Pierce §
Located off CR 1240 at GoatNeck not far from Goatneck community center.
Refer inquieries to LD Pierce.
Pleasant Point
FM 917 east to CR 608A and FM 2738 or take FM 2738 from Hwy 67 (Between Alvarado and Lillian)
CR 106 east of I-35W between Alvarado and Grandview
Prairie Springs
CR 714 south of Burleson
Price Chapel
Island Grove Road (CR 2135) from Cleburne to CR 312
CR 603 east of Burleson
Rio Vista
Central Ave in Rio Vista
Rose Hill
Corner of E. 2nd St. (FM 4) and Island Grove Rd. (FM 2135) in East Cleburne
FM 2258 to CR 205 between Grandview and Venus (This cemetery no longer exists)
Sand Flat (Cuba)
Corner of CR 312 and CR417A between Cleburne and Grandview
South Parkway in Alvarado (African-American)
Smith-Haley §
FM 916 west of Rio Vista
Hwy 67 south to Park Rd. #21, right on FM 200 to 1137, right on CR 1237
StubbleField §
CR 313A between FM 2415 and CR 401 south of Alvarado
Thompson I
Hwy 67 south to Park Rd. #21 to FM 200 to CR 1118, left on CR 1237 (across from Nickel Cemetery
Thompson II
FM 916 east of Rio Vista at CR 1202
Union Hill
CR 803 off of Conveyor Dr. (FM 917) east of Joshua
Hwy 171 and CR 1000 northwest of Godley
Fifth St in southeast Venus.
Watts Chapel
CR 308 off FM 4 between Cleburne and Grandview
CR 519 north of Lillian
Wilkinson (Hough Community)
CR 106 between CR 401 and I-35 north of Grandview
§On private property. 
Links to individual cemeteries may be found on our website at:

JCGS February Meeting

The Johnson County Genealogical Society will meet Thursday, February 12, 2015, from 6:30 until 8:15 p.m. at the Cleburne Public Library, 302 W. Henderson. We will be watching a recorded Webinar titled "Copyright Mythconceptions" presented by Judy G. Russell.

Judy is a genealogist with a law degree. She holds credentials as a Certified Genealogist and Certified Genealogical Lecturer from the Board for Certification of Genealogists, and serves on the faculty at IGHR at Samford University in Birmingham, the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG), the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP), and at Boston University’s Center for Professional Education.

For more information about Judy, visit her blog at Judy is a very entertaining speaker and you don’t want to miss this webinar!